Praise for Vanishing Halo

vanishing-haloVanishing Halo belongs on the required reading list for all environmental journalists and educators. Nothing like it has previously been written. It is thoroughly readable, clear, accessible to anyone and unparalleled in scope.
—Canadian Forum

Gawthrop’s Vanishing Halo is a nicely-written, informative account of a part of the slow-moving ecological disaster that will confront the next generation of humans….a remarkably sure-footed book.
—Stan Persky, in the Vancouver Sun

Reminds us that the more common and so-called “species-poor” areas of the Boreal forest are just as important for ecosystems health as are the magnificent stands of old-growth….Gawthrop underscores the fact that the Taiga, or northern forest regions, are all too often ignored, even though they are the “giant green halo” of the globe [and] points to a central fact long acknowledged by environmental historians—that we will protect that which we value.
—BC Studies

Vanishing Halo is a thoughtful, well-written account of threats to and possible solutions for the forests and peoples of the taiga. Daniel Gawthrop manages to weave together a story out of stark facts and personal narratives, through published research, interviews and personal observation, giving the casual reader a fair grounding in boreal ecology, geography and political studies before diving into the boreal headfirst….I definitely recommend Vanishing Halo for the general public as well as veteran boreal activists.
—Taiga News

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