Praise for Highwire Act

highwire-actA decent and worthy undertaking, an even-handed profile of the province’s departing premier who gave mostly good government to an ungovernable province.
—Peter C. Newman, in the Vancouver Sun

Clear-eyed, partisan, highly readable….Gawthrop argues persuasively that Harcourt got a raw deal from the local media; Highwire Act, then, can be regarded as a necessary corrective.
—Globe and Mail

This is a book worth reading. As a chapter in the history of this province, it stands to serve as a handy reference for the coming election-mania—a teach-yourself guide to walking the tightrope between political allegiances.

This fact-truly-is-stranger-than-fiction quality is what makes Gawthrop’s book so interesting….Gawthrop does an admirable job of researching all the major debates and decisions of the past. He organizes them in an easy-to-read, chronological fashion, with useful background information.
—The Courier

A good overview of the political situation in B.C. over the past half a decade or so, and sets the stage for the rest of this century. Definitely a worthwhile read.
—The Other Press (Douglas College)

Although this book is timely enough to suggest an attempt to redeem Harcourt from any misunderstandings in the wake of his resignation from politics, it exceeds mere redemption. The result is a clear-eyed record from a journalist who is a political scientist first, party faithful second.
—Briar Patch

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