Highwire Act: Power, Pragmatism and the Harcourt Legacy
Mike Harcourt was determined to put his own moderate stamp on the new NDP government that succeeded Bill VanderZalm’s scandal-ridden, confrontational regime. From his first day in office, Harcourt worked hard to strike a balance between his critics on the left, who pushed for an ambitious program of change, and the party’s traditional enemies on the right, for whom anything the NDP did was too much, too soon.
Highwire Act examines the NDP’s record on the economy, the environment, health care, resource issues, and aboriginal land claims—and in the battle for the hearts and minds of B.C.’s voters.
Highwire Act contains the most complete and up-to-date account of the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society scandal that brought Harcourt down, as well as the lowdown on the Fall of Gordon Wilson and the Rise of Gordon Campbell, the Death of the Socreds and the Birth of Reform BC, and much more.
Highwire Act—indispensable election-year reading for the most politicized voters in Canada.
Currently out of print.